Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Let There Be Light!

Or a more stylish light!

I bought a fancy chandelier for our dining room some time ago and I told my husband that all I wanted for Christmas was for him to hang my Chandelier.

Well, he is hanging it for me. Did I mention that I got it for a crazy deal. $35 and it's new in a box. Who says used is the only way to shop?

(Daddy's Little Helper)

But before Mike could get it up on the ceiling, he needed to stop by Lowes to pick up some parts for the bracket in the ceiling or something or another. Of course I can never miss out on a trip to Lowes....it's like a Pottery Barn to me.

There is so much to see that one trip won't cover it all and there are always new ideas to be discovered. So to the point, I picked up a ceiling medallion for about $26...it's the plain one.

Upon the advice of my other sidekick (besides Annelise), Heather, I am going to hit the Restore store to see if they have any deals. It is almost as much as the light if you think about it.

But here's the real dilemma...what color should I paint it?

Mike thought the same white as the baseboards.

Heather thinks either black if I want it to stand out or same color as the baseboard if I don't want it to stand out.

Here's my thoughts...I have a black table, black chairs, black china cabinet, black shelves...the list goes on...I think I have too much black for the medellion to also be black...and I have a hunch that I will be spray painting the chandelier black as well because it is a more rustic iron color.

What do you think?

I will get a picture up...I promise. The lighting was not so good to see the actual color.

More New Years Tasks:

On another note, Mike also shampood the carpets for me.
Take a looksy...almost brand new?
He even moved the furniture for his OCD wife!

Happy New Years Cleaning!
The Loyd Collection
Anne, Mike, Annelise & Michael

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